I’m using a fountain pen and I like it.
Feels the same like when I started slow running slowly. 10 years ago. I’ve HATED only this sport, loved all the others.
Gerade haben wir offiziell beschlossen den Coworking Wuerzburg e.V. aufzuloesen.
Gerade durch einen Zufall ein als Osterei getarntes Wintersonnenwendegeschenk entdeckt.
Danke, _ben, es ist mir eine Freude!
Elegant Hack - Strategy is Not War; It’s Gardening
I prefer gardening over war as a metaphor for strategy because it’s richer and more relatable. In gardening, there’s so much more going on than just fighting pests. You’re working with nature, creating something sustainable, and adapting to an ever-changing environment.
And let’s be honest: most of us haven’t been to war, but many of us have gardened—or at least played Stardew Valley. The language of war can feel alien and hyper-masculine. Gardening is universal, collaborative, and, frankly, a lot more relevant to the challenges of running a business in today’s world.
/via @baldur
Just upgraded #GotoSocial with a few commands. Stop systemd unit, make a DB copy, unpack new release, adapt symlink, start systemd unit.
Easy peasy and the same way I handle my #Forgejo on code.muhh.lol and #Owncast on watch.muhh.lol.
Why I tend to self-host all the personal things more and more? And increasingly use free software with a community that at least is active in development?
Exhibit Nr 17: Omnivore gets acquired by an AI startup.
I really like Omnivore.
Let’s see and check what else is there to use to read your fine stuff.
And there are going to be [[brackets]] in use soon. Which reminds me that I need to update some [[ideas]].
I’ve updated the front page by adding some info on the purpose of this place.
Made some adjustements to the echofeed config, so this should be a bit more styled and most of all: parsed markdown!
It’s Monday morning.
What better thing to do than move my social thing from social.lol to a private hut in the woods on one very small island?Might get bumpy, but I hope not.
a small test for #echofeed
Good morning!
I really love this season most. fresh, a bit wet and soooo colorful.
📺 I’m doing a coworking live stream right now on https://watch.muhh.lol. Let’s see if I get stuff done easier this way.
I’ll be at #DrupalCon in Barcelona in only 7 days! 😎🥳
This site now has an /ideas page.
pushed some buttons on this site. The color theme is now based on Everforest, the theme I use on my desktop everwhere. It’s just the perfect fit this time.
I’ve also switched the typeface to Berkely Mono. Which I want to switch to on the desktop as well. But that needs some nix sourcery to figure out.
You might see remainders in the CSS that I tested Departure Mono. But that was too much on its own. Even for me. I left it for now, I wnat to see how it looks like on headings and code blocks only.
Now only that logo needs some adaption.
Endlich daheim nach dem beschissesten Urlaub ever.
Dank Mietwagen ohne Rückfahrt in überfrachtetem COVID Bus und Zug. Wir wollen ja niemanden anstecken, nech?
Aber ging diesmal echt schnell vorbei, leider aber nicht bei allen in der Familie.
Ich bin immer noch genervt.
Sometimes you stumble across a blog that you want to read current to end in one go. uncountable thoughts by Chris Shaw is one like this. Instant blogroll‘ed.
I’ve been mostly offline for a couple of days – being a happy camper – and I really didn’t miss the timelines.
I’m sticking to this for a while. See you in my feedreader. I hope you’ll find me there.
Good life news: I think it has a soundtrack again. Or a new one?
Anyways…<3 music.
# nix --version nix (Lix, like Nix) 2.90.0-rc1
Ohai lix!
move slow & fix things
from Elle’s bio.
The new phone experiment is halted. Something is broken in there. Ringtones and vibration are off when it’s laying on it’s display or like this morning when it was in my bag.
This explains some missed alarms and other calls. Especially the this morning when school tried calling me to pick up my sick kiddo from school. And that’s a major blocker.
Let’s how their support team works…
SIM card is back in the iPhone which I reluctanly need to use now again. I’ve already deleted a lot of things on it though. -
Die Zecken des Hundes haben Zecken. brrr.
Das Telefönchen ist da. Die AppleWatch entkoppelt. Weird, so ein einfaches Gerät. Aber auch so klein und nett.
Signal einzurichten war an sich einfach, aber die Kopplung am Desktop ist der Horror - 2x lange Keys mit 9 Tasten eintippen, weil’s keine Kamera für den QR Code gibt.
Hab mir gerade ein neues Telefon bestellt. Ich wollte ja mal ja auf ein gebrauchtes auf ein kleines iPhone 13 mini wechseln. Aber mittlerweile stößt mich dieses ganze “smart”Phone Gehampel so ab, dass nicht mal mehr ein Fairphone mich ausreichend überzeugt.
Dann schaumer mal, wie ich mit dem aufgebohrtem Dumpphone, einem Punkt MP02, klarkommen werde.
give me a challenge to post everyday and I completely stop. I should have bet some money against myself. hehe.
It’s fascinating how I changed from so-called “Apple Fanboy and missionary” to I couldn’t care less in a very short time. And that’s while still enjoying these computers very much. But I know that there is no new computer by them in my future.
Good thing we’re out hiking tomorrow. No time to read tone deaf responses, but enjoy the woods and the time with my most precious person.
New record: over 200k files in one directory. On a network file system. \o/
It’s all so fucked up, it’s again time to thing about switching to carpenting and/or building terrariums. GNAAA.
I’m so annoyed by that non-existing #NixOS community leadership, I’m short to drop all the work I invested in learning it and switch to something else.
But what are the options, especially if one enjoyed the full declarative and reproducible way the whole system was managed?
I’m going on a little retreat today and there’s plenty of space left in my backpack. In goes the camera and even the trusted Fujinon XF35mmF1.4. Love that thing.
In der letzten Zeit zieht es mich irgendwie wieder mehr dahin, auf Deutsch zu schreiben. In meinen Notizen kommt das immer häufiger, im Blog hab ich mich noch garnicht so getraut. Irgendwie quatsch. Die Übersetzer sind mittlerweile ja wirklich so extrem gut, dass es da kaum noch Probleme gibt.
Or how do the english reading people see this? Oder meine Dschermen friends?
lazy sunday.
is this thing on? hello echo!
I used this place for some fun work to take my mind of the bad things in there and fiddled around a lot. Broke things. Created helpers. I’ll drop the jekyll-feed plugin since it’s having the wrong opinions, but creating my own rssplugin is a lot of fun actually. I’ve put the site’s code out there as well.
I may have bought two iPods that are almost old enough to vote now.
I might have pulled out all the old laptops and there are now 3 macbooks laying on the table. including my beloved 11” macbook air (2011) and a black macbook from 2007. and the spare parts are cheap!
Handing down cameras to get the latest is established, no? I might need to sell some lenses as well.
I like this new home. It’s so easy and clear how I can go on with everything. Plain text is simply the best.
Let’s get this live and add a first note.